Public Assets Institute > Blog > Celebrate 20 years of fighting for a just and thriving Vermont! 

Celebrate 20 years of fighting for a just and thriving Vermont! 

Over the past 20 years, our deep experience, timely, reliable data, and clear, accessible analysis has driven major policy improvements for Vermonters, from expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit, to raising the minimum wage, to making school funding more equitable for all our kids.

In honor of our twentieth anniversary this year, we’ll be celebrating our past wins and inviting more people to get involved in our work. 

We’re kicking off the celebration by taking a look at the four functions that form the foundation of our work: watchdog; myth-buster; power-builder; and research and development. 

  • Watchdog: Monitoring state government
    We work to build trust in state government, holding it to effectiveness and transparency while countering public cynicism and the perception of government indifference.
  • Myth-buster: Correcting misconceptions that prevent progress
    We both challenge conventional wisdom and imagine how things can be different.
  • Power-builder: Working with allies to make things happen
    Public Assets works in coalitions on almost all the issues we care about. Our goal is always to center Vermont’s most affected and historically excluded communities.
  • R&D: Developing policies that improve people’s lives
    First and foremost, we’re a data organization. Our goal is to understand what’s true. And we use that analysis to improve current policies and develop better policies by identifying gaps, inequities, and unmet needs.

Since I became Executive Director and President at the beginning of this year, we have continued to use these tools in service of lasting policy that provides dignity, opportunity, and security for everyone who lives in Vermont.

Over the next two months, you’ll be hearing from us about all the ways you can support our work. Stay tuned for additional ways to plug in and help us celebrate twenty years of fighting for a just and thriving Vermont.

In the meantime, help us kick off the celebration by spreading the word on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin. 

-Steph Yu
Executive Director and President
Public Assets Institute


Posted by Stephanie Yu on May 2, 2023 at 12:20 pm

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