Public Assets Institute > Projects > Earned Income Tax Credit Estimator

Earned Income Tax Credit Estimator

Vermont's Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is for working people with low and moderate earnings. It is fully refundable—recipients can receive the full credit in cash, boosting incomes and offsetting taxes. Vermont's EITC is 38 percent of what filers receive from the federal EITC, which varies by household earnings and number of children.

Filing Status

Number of Children

Household Earnings

Your Federal EITC: 
Your Vermont EITC: 

Am I eligible?

In addition to the earnings qualifications above, children must be:

  • Under 19, or
  • Under 24 and a full-time student, or
  • Any age and permanently and total disabled

Only filers with a social security number qualify for the federal EITC. However, starting in 2023 the Vermont EITC is available to all state residents, and does not require a social security number or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN).

How do I get it?

File your taxes! You can do this for three years after the due date of your tax return. For tax year 2022, you can file through April 18th, 2026.

To receive the federal EITC, workers with children must file a 1040 or 1040A, with the Schedule EIC. Workers without children can file any tax form, including Form 1040 EZ, without the schedule EIC. For the state EITC, workers must file a Vermont Income Tax Return (IN-111), and a Vermont Tax Credits and Adjustments form (Schedule IN-112).

The Vermont Department of Taxes is creating an application process for tax year 2023 for Vermont residents who are not eligible for the federal EITC.

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