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CTC and EITC filing resources

Vermont’s Child Tax Credit provides $1,000 per child under six to families with less than $125,000 in income—or no income at all. Vermont’s Earned Income Tax Credit is 38 percent of what filers receive from the federal EITC, which varies by household earnings and number of children. Check out the EITC estimator to see how much you qualify for.

Starting in 2023, the Vermont CTC and EITC are available to all state residents, and do not require a social security number or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN).

For help with filing so you can claim your credit, take advantage of the free resources below:

People making around $60,000 or less can contact their local community action agency VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program to sign up for tax-filing support.

Franklin and Grand Isle Counties
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO)
• Call Rebecca Moyer at 802-527-7392, ext 107

Chittenden County
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO)
• Call 2-1-1 to schedule an appointment

Addison County
Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO)
• Call Mark Demers at 802-388-2285

Rutland and Bennington Counties
BROC Community Action
• Call Dustyn at 802-665-1711

Caledonia, Orleans, and Essex Counties
Northeast Kingdom Community Action (NEKCA)
• Call Hannah at 802-323-3371

Washington, Lamoille, and Orange Counties
Capstone Community Action
• Call 2-1-1 (Vermont area code phones only), or call 802-477-5176 and leave a message

Bennington and Windsor counties
Southeast Vermont Community Action (SEVCA)
• Call 802-722-4575, ext 1603


Households who have internet access can file online for free through the following programs:
GetYourRefund, an online tax filing tool from the IRS available to households with income under $66,000. Available in English and Spanish.

Information on other free filing programs for households with up to $73,000 in adjusted gross income can be found on the Vermont Department of Taxes website.

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