Public Assets Institute > Library > Resources > Armchair Advocate > Surf for Legislative Information

Surf for Legislative Information

The Vermont Legislature

  • Look up all bills that have been introduced or search by keyword or sponsor.
  • Find out the current status of a bill (its committee assignment and whether it has been voted on in either chamber).
  • Find out when committees are considering testimony on specific bills.
  • View Legislative Calendars for the bills for schedules of floor action, the texts of bills to be voted on in each chamber, and the texts of amendments offered in advance.
  • View Legislative Journals to read what actions occurred each day, the text of amendments offered on the floor, the results of votes and details of roll call votes.
  • View legislative history as far back as 1987.
  • Look up biographical and contact information on your senators or representatives.
  • Find the contact information for Legislative Council and other Statehouse Staff in the Legislative Directory.
  • Find a list of House and Senate committee members.
  • Download databases of members including emails or download pre-formatted mailing labels.

The Joint Fiscal Office

  • Read or download Fi$cal Fact$ for background information on Vermont’s fiscal and budget information, where revenues come from, and where the money is spent.
  • Get up-to-date information on health care financing, the State’s budget environment, revenue projections, monthly revenue projections vs. actual collections, and more.
  • Link to budget documents including spreadsheets and appropriations bills dating from FY 2005 to FY 2001.
  • Access a variety of special reports with money implications.

The Agency of Administration, Department of Finance & Management

  • Link to key budget documents including Executive Budget Recommendations (known as the “governor’s proposed”), monthly revenue projections, and a summary of how the state budget process works.

The Vermont Secretary of State

  • Download databases of elected officials
  • View listings and biographies of elected and appointed officials in State government, up-to-date elections results, and guides to civil and municipal government.
  • Find about about elections in Vermont and campaign finance rules.
  • Learn about Vermont’s lobbyist registration and disclosure law and look up information about registered lobbyists.

The State of Vermont

  • Vermont’s comprehensive portal of government information including links to all state agencies, a searchable directory of state employees, the governor’s schedule and press releases, and more.