
The Public Assets Institute provides sound, timely, and accessible fiscal and policy analysis.

We publish research reports, both in house and in collaboration with other individuals and organizations, and prepare press releases, opinion pieces, and presentations on topics related to our current work.

You will find our latest publications listed below, and archives of all our reports, op-eds, press releases, maps and newsletters by category.

Latest publications:

More Jobs, Fewer Vermonters Working
March 29, 2013
Vermont Has Options to Raise Revenue for Smart Investments
March 20, 2013
A Lower Jobless Rate, but Little Change for Jobseekers
March 18, 2013
February 2013 Update
February 25, 2013
The Earned Income Tax Credit
February 23, 2013
More payroll jobs, yes. Economic security, not so much
January 18, 2013
State of Working Vermont 2012
December 28, 2012
A Little Holiday Cheer in Vermont’s Employment Numbers
December 21, 2012
December 2012 Update
December 20, 2012
Vermont school enrollment: Equalized pupils 2003-2013
December 20, 2012