
The Public Assets Institute provides sound, timely, and accessible fiscal and policy analysis.

We publish research reports, both in house and in collaboration with other individuals and organizations, and prepare press releases, opinion pieces, and presentations on topics related to our current work.

You will find our latest publications listed below, and archives of all our reports, op-eds, press releases, maps and newsletters by category.

Latest publications:

Jobs increase, but educational and digital divides persist
October 21, 2016
Workers and families saw solid gains in 2015
September 20, 2016
A Framework for Progress
September 6, 2016
Vermont’s job market makes pokey progress
August 19, 2016
More are working, but help is short for the jobless
July 22, 2016
A chance to talk about the child-care gap
July 14, 2016
Workers’ lot improves but the gender gap endures
June 17, 2016
10 states account for most Vermont migration
June 1, 2016
Vermont needs to make higher education more affordable
May 25, 2016
Conditions appear ripe for gains, but wages stay flat
May 20, 2016