
The Public Assets Institute provides sound, timely, and accessible fiscal and policy analysis.

We publish research reports, both in house and in collaboration with other individuals and organizations, and prepare press releases, opinion pieces, and presentations on topics related to our current work.

You will find our latest publications listed below, and archives of all our reports, op-eds, press releases, maps and newsletters by category.

Latest publications:

State of Working Vermont 2017
December 27, 2017
Young Vermonters are finding jobs
December 22, 2017
New businesses have not come with lots more jobs
November 17, 2017
Job growth in 2017: So far so good
October 20, 2017
A better outlook for jobseekers, but not for the poor
September 15, 2017
2017 Report Card
September 12, 2017
20 years ago, Act 60 fundamentally changed the way Vermont pays for public education
September 7, 2017
Vermont’s labor force hits a 15-year low
August 18, 2017
Vermont’s economy: Nothing to write home about
July 21, 2017
The workforce shrank. The gender divide persisted
June 16, 2017