Jobs Briefs

Public Assets Institute’s Monthly Jobs Briefs will be released on the same day that the Vermont Department of Labor issues its monthly employment and unemployment statistics. Our reports will provide additional information and context for the official state statistics and are meant to complement the Department of Labor information.

The Public Assets reports will draw from data available from the U.S. Census, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economic Policy Institute, Center on Budget and Policies Priorities, National Employment Law Project and the Vermont Department of Labor.


An Uptick in Unemployment Could Be a Good Sign
January 25, 2011
Improvements in the Labor Market are Slow but Steady
December 17, 2010
Glimpses of Good News Through the Gloom
November 23, 2010
Jobs Losses Don’t Tell the Full Story
October 22, 2010
The Recession is Officially Over. Tell That to the Jobless
September 21, 2010
As Job-Seekers Lose Steam, So Does the Recovery
August 20, 2010
New Hope for Unemployed Vermonters
July 20, 2010
A Bit of A Breather in the Labor Market and at Home
June 18, 2010
On the Trail to Recovery—With More Hills to Climb
May 21, 2010
Vermont’s Workers May Not Be Sharing the Nation’s Recent Good Fortune
April 16, 2010