Job creation financial incentives: An outdated strategy

Posted by Paul Cillo on February 3, 2016 at 10:53 am | * Comments (2)

New evidence finds that public investments that help build a skilled workforce and improve the quality of life for local residents are more likely to create jobs and build a strong economy than tax cuts and attempts to lure businesses with financial incentives. Read more

5 Things to Look for in the Governor’s 2017 Budget

Posted by Stephanie Yu on January 20, 2016 at 10:55 am | Comments Off on 5 Things to Look for in the Governor’s 2017 Budget

Governor Shumlin will present his fiscal 2017 budget to the Legislature on Thursday, January 21 at 2:00 PM. Here are a few of the things we’ll be looking for.

1. How well does the state budget meet the needs of Vermonters and advance their economic well-being? Read more

Vermont House should repeal unfair school penalties

Posted by Paul Cillo on January 18, 2016 at 9:11 pm | * Comments (1)

The Vermont General Assembly has a chance this week to walk back from the destructive changes it made last spring to the state’s education funding system. The Senate appears poised to vote to repeal the tax penalties that will hit school districts that exceed arbitrary spending limits set by the Legislature. Read more

Legislature can prevent Town Meeting chaos

Posted by Jack Hoffman on January 6, 2016 at 12:34 pm | Comments Off on Legislature can prevent Town Meeting chaos

The Vermont Legislature has an opportunity to show respect to local voters and local school officials by getting two things done before the end of January:

Repeal the rigid spending limits that threaten to unnecessarily increase property taxes this year. Set the education tax yields for fiscal 2017 so that voters will know the tax consequences of their school budgets on Town Meeting Day. Read more

Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by Paul Cillo on November 25, 2015 at 2:30 pm | Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving

Are you feeling a little tense as you anticipate time with family and friends over the Thanksgiving dinner table?

Is it something more than the new turkey recipe that’s making you anxious?

Are you worried that when the conversation turns to politics and the economy you won’t have the facts at your command? Read more

Fiscal 2017 Budget Forum Webinars

Posted by Stephanie Yu on November 20, 2015 at 5:38 pm | * Comments (1)

The Shumlin Administration will hold two public budget forums via webinar on Monday, November 23, 2015.

For details about how to participate, go to: Citizens can also weigh in on the budget process through an online survey. These are new strategies for gathering public input and we hope they will allow more Vermonters to participate. Read more

Vermont’s real budget problem

Posted by Paul Cillo on November 4, 2015 at 2:33 pm | * Comments (2)

Vermont has a budget problem: the state budget is not meeting Vermont’s needs.

The major indicators of Vermonters’ economic wellbeing are moving in the wrong direction. Median household income is falling, poverty and homelessness are rising, and one in eight Vermonters needs food stamps to have enough to eat. Read more

Vermonters need a more transparent budget process

Posted by Jack Hoffman on October 8, 2015 at 9:24 am | * Comments (2)

The need for a more open and transparent budget process became clear last week with the news that the state is on the hook for an extra $18 million in Medicaid payments this year. The payments weren’t factored in last spring when the administration and the Legislature put together the state budget, so now policymakers are scrambling to come up with the money. Read more

The Con Hogan Award

Posted by Paul Cillo on September 19, 2015 at 10:10 am | * Comments (2)

In 1973, as a UVM student, I had the opportunity to be a University Year for Action intern—similar to AmeriCorps—at the Vermont Department of Corrections. The experience changed my life. And Con Hogan, who was Deputy Commissioner, was a big reason it did. Read more

Public Assets is Hiring

Posted by Sarah Lyons on June 11, 2015 at 1:47 pm | Comments Off on Public Assets is Hiring

Public Assets Institute is looking for a new Policy Analyst who will become part of our team analyzing a range of Vermont fiscal and economic issues and helping to advance policies that ensure all Vermonters, especially low- and moderate-income residents, have the opportunity to succeed. Read more