The Monthly Jobs Brief is 3!
Three years ago this month Public Assets Institute published its first monthly Jobs Brief—our one-page update on Vermont’s employment picture, published the same day as the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its monthly data.
In 2009, Public Assets got interested in what was behind these numbers. We wanted to find ways to provide context and create broader understanding about jobs and the Vermont economy—a big concern after the recession hit. With a grant from the Vermont Community Foundation, we developed the monthly Jobs Briefs in July that year.
In addition to providing analysis of the newest unemployment data, each report looks to history and other up-to-date information, including data released by Montpelier, to uncover trends, quirks, and developments others are not catching.
Like all our reports, the Monthly Jobs Briefs are written with the average Vermonter in mind. We gather the facts and explain what they mean in a way that anyone can understand. Read today’s brief.