Statement on Gov. Phil Scott’s Jan. 24, 2019 Budget Address
Repeating a theme from his Inaugural Address two weeks ago, in his Budget Address today Gov. Phil Scott outlined items in his fiscal 2020 budget intended to attract young families—and new taxpayers—to the Green Mountain State.
It was heartening to hear the governor acknowledge the importance of state services that help to improve Vermonters’ lives. And the governor is right that it makes sense to expand the state’s tax base to pay for these essential services. He deserves credit for looking beyond the next two years and proposing a long range plan that could strengthen the state’s economy.
But the services and programs he mentioned—more early education, better roads and bridges, more drug prevention and treatment—are needed now. If the governor succeeds—and we hope he does—we’re not going to see a significant increase in taxpayers and tax revenues for many years.
We appreciate the long-range vision. But what does he plan to do in the meantime to address these urgent investment needs facing the state now?