Public Assets Institute > Policy Areas > Family Economic Security > Last decade and last year, Vermont workers saw few gains

Last decade and last year, Vermont workers saw few gains

F1-MJB067Fewer Vermonters were working in 2014 than in 2004, according to revised figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The decade of stagnant employment contrasts with the previous 10 years. In 2004 the average number of working Vermonters was 34,000 greater than in 1994. The revised figures also show that employment has declined for the last three years, after a brief recovery following the recession.



Jobs: Upward revisionF2-MJB067
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has revised its jobs numbers, as it does every year. It also is using a new model that recalibrates employment figures back to 1976. The 2014 revisions show employers providing more jobs than first reported last year. “Jobs” means the number of workers on public and private employers’ payrolls. “Employment” is the count of individuals working, who might have more than one job or be self employed. That’s why employment and jobs figures are different.



Labor stats: Little changeF3-MJB067
Vermont’s January labor statistics were essentially unchanged from December 2014. The jobless rate remained at 4.1 percent, still one of the lowest in New England. The labor force—people working or looking for work—was down by about 100 from December 2014, but more people were employed.





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