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Stephanie Yu will take leadership of Public Assets Institute January 1

October 4, 2022  |  Sarah Lyons  |  no comments yet
Announcements & Updates, Press Release

MONTPELIER –– Steven Gold, chair of the Public Assets Institute Board of Directors, announced today that it has selected Stephanie Yu, current deputy director, as the organization’s next president and executive director. Yu replaces founder Paul Cillo, who will step down at the end of this year.

A nonpartisan nonprofit founded in 2003, Public Assets Institute is an independent research organization that works to improve the wellbeing of all Vermonters and advance racial, social, and economic justice through research, fiscal analysis, and public engagement and empowerment. It focuses on education funding, family economic security, and making state tax and budget decisions transparent, inclusive, and responsive to Vermonters’ needs.

“We are fortunate to have Steph’s experience and insights to lead Public Assets as the organization enters its third decade,” Gold said. “We’re excited about the prospects for Public Assets and for the state with Steph at the helm and are looking forward to the ideas and projects she advances in collaboration with Public Assets’ excellent staff.”

The board reviewed more than 50 applications from around the country before making its unanimous decision.

“Public Assets has a strong foundation in research and analysis on state tax, budget, and economic issues that affect us all. And we’ve built successful coalitions with Vermont’s diverse advocates,” Yu said. “Going forward, connecting with Vermonters across the state, particularly those historically excluded from decision-making, we can achieve policies and processes that empower people and advance racial, social, and economic justice. I’m thrilled to be guiding Public Assets’ important work in this new role.”

Yu was hired as a policy analyst at Public Assets in 2015 and became deputy director in 2018. Her work here is informed by fiscal experience in the public and private sectors in multiple states, including stints with AmeriCorps, state budget offices, and legislatures. She holds a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Southern California and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Harvard University. She currently lives in Burlington with her spouse and two kids.


To learn about Public Assets Institute, read its publications, or sign up for updates, go to For more information contact communications and development director Sarah Lyons at or 802-223-6677.

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