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More Jobs, Fewer Vermonters Working

March 29, 2013  |  Sarah Lyons  |  no comments yet
Jobs Brief |Jobs, Workers, Wages

Two regular monthly surveys by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics continue to send mixed signals about Vermont’s employment picture. The survey of employers shows a slow but steady rise in the number of non-farm payroll jobs over the last 12 months. But in the monthly survey of households, fewer Vermonters say they are employed—working either for themselves or someone else. In February, employers added 1,300 jobs, but 1,000 fewer people said they were working.




New Meaning for ‘Green’ Mountain State
For the last couple of years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has tracked jobs in businesses that primarily produce goods and services that help the environment and conserve resources. “Green” industries comprise, for example, manufacturers that use recycled materials and businesses involved in renewable energy. New figures show the Green Mountain State is third nationally in the percentage of green jobs. In 2011 just over 12,000 jobs—4.1 percent of Vermont’s total non-farm payroll jobs—were green.



2012 Vermont Personal Income: $27 Billion
Vermonters’ total personal income reached $27 billion in 2012. Personal income is all of the money individuals receive, including tax-exempt dividends, transfer payments, and other income that may not appear on income tax forms. That’s why personal income, calculated by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, is greater than Vermonters’ adjusted gross income, reported by the Internal Revenue Service. Personal income dropped during the recession but has been growing since 2009. Compound average annual income growth over the last 10 years was 3.8 percent.


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