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Where employment rose—or didn’t, 2007 to 2013

July 30, 2014  |  Sarah Lyons  |  no comments yet
Map |Employment

In 2013, there were still fewer Vermonters employed than in 2007, before the recession took hold. That’s true in about two-thirds of Vermont towns. But for the residents of the remaining third, employment was higher than in 2007.

As the map shows, many of the towns where employment rose were in the northern tier of the state. Measured as a percentage, towns with some of the highest growth were in the Northeast Kingdom, where joblessness tends to lead the rest of the state. Chittenden County, particularly around Burlington, also saw employment rise above pre-recession levels.

The employment figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics are based on surveys of individual households. They include people who identify themselves as self-employed, as well as farm and non-farm workers. In these surveys, employment is based on where people reside, not where they work.

In 2007, an estimated 341,300 Vermonters were working. The annual average dropped below 335,000 in 2009, although some months were even lower than that. By 2013, the average number of people employed during the year was 336,000.

To see the employment levels for 2007 and 2013, place your cursor on individual towns on the map.

Alburg||2007: 938||2013: 925 Highgate||2007: 1,846||2013: 1,783 Franklin||2007: 736||2013: 792 Berkshire||2007: 779||2013: 828 Richford||2007: 1,034||2013: 1,033 Jay||2007: 273||2013: 290 Troy||2007: 941||2013: 949 Newport Town||2007: 1,068||2013: 1,002 Derby||2007: 2,502||2013: 2,479 Holland||2007: 253||2013: 289 Norton||2007: 34||2013: 21 Canaan||2007: 527||2013: 393 Swanton||2007: 3,404||2013: 3,387 Isle La Motte||2007: 232||2013: 215 Lemington||2007: 71||2013: 55 Bloomfield||2007: 175||2013: 126 Brunswick||2007: 53||2013: 54 Maidstone||2007: 49||2013: 91 Granby||2007: 46||2013: 45 East Haven||2007: 135||2013: 116 Enosburg||2007: 1,305||2013: 1,324 Sheldon||2007: 1,184||2013: 1,133 Fairfield||2007: 1,003||2013: 1,011 St. Albans City||2007: 3,804||2013: 3,570 North Hero||2007: 495||2013: 436 Bakersfield||2007: 708||2013: 679 Montgomery||2007: 488||2013: 550 Westfield||2007: 292||2013: 308 Lowell||2007: 324||2013: 407 Albany||2007: 404||2013: 481 Irasburg||2007: 605||2013: 697 Barton||2007: 1,332||2013: 1,362 Glover||2007: 528||2013: 655 Sheffield||2007: 344||2013: 301 Greensboro||2007: 355||2013: 356 Wheelock||2007: 310||2013: 368 Stannard||2007: 121||2013: 120 Walden||2007: 426||2013: 464 Hardwick||2007: 1,697||2013: 1,617 Wolcott||2007: 1,041||2013: 1,093 Craftsbury||2007: 649||2013: 724 Eden||2007: 564||2013: 700 Hyde Park||2007: 1,915||2013: 1,863 Belvidere||2007: 168||2013: 215 Johnson||2007: 1,858||2013: 2,100 Averill||2007: 15||2013: 37 Ferdinand||2007: 8||2013: 8 Lewis||no data Averys Gore||no data Brighton||2007: 568||2013: 545 Newark||2007: 245||2013: 275 Westmore||2007: 171||2013: 198 Morgan||2007: 408||2013: 430 Charleston||2007: 451||2013: 549 Brownington||2007: 447||2013: 530 Coventry||2007: 533||2013: 606 Newport City||2007: 2,024||2013: 1,852 Sutton||2007: 559||2013: 485 Burke||2007: 1,001||2013: 911 Victory||2007: 59||2013: 33 Lunenburg||2007: 620||2013: 584 Guildhall||2007: 119||2013: 110 Concord||2007: 629||2013: 571 Waterford||2007: 748||2013: 703 St. Johnsbury||2007: 3,756||2013: 3,415 Lyndon||2007: 2,966||2013: 2,771 Kirby||2007: 305||2013: 256 Barnet||2007: 940||2013: 802 Peacham||2007: 359||2013: 344 Cabot||2007: 722||2013: 779 Elmore||2007: 520||2013: 488 Morristown||2007: 3,103||2013: 3,103 Stowe||2007: 3,086||2013: 2,869 Worcester||2007: 498||2013: 565 Calais||2007: 837||2013: 857 Marshfield||2007: 854||2013: 819 Groton||2007: 446||2013: 447 Ryegate||2007: 592||2013: 537 Woodbury||2007: 499||2013: 545 Danville||2007: 1,249||2013: 1,050 St. Albans Town||2007: 3,195||2013: 3,245 Grand Isle||2007: 1,257||2013: 1,121 South Hero||2007: 1,066||2013: 930 Georgia||2007: 2,570||2013: 2,610 Milton||2007: 6,016||2013: 5,976 Colchester||2007: 10,013||2013: 9,980 Fairfax||2007: 2,159||2013: 2,280 Westford||2007: 1,285||2013: 1,184 Essex||2007: 11,359||2013: 11,639 Fletcher||2007: 753||2013: 750 Waterville||2007: 390||2013: 408 Cambridge||2007: 1,823||2013: 2,187 Underhill||2007: 1,770||2013: 1,739 Plainfield||2007: 811||2013: 744 East Montpelier||2007: 1,539||2013: 1,458 Montpelier||2007: 4,295||2013: 4,213 Middlesex||2007: 1,112||2013: 1,029 Waterbury||2007: 3,381||2013: 3,339 Bolton||2007: 615||2013: 722 Richmond||2007: 2,457||2013: 2,398 Jericho||2007: 2,943||2013: 2,846 Williston||2007: 4,668||2013: 4,971 Winooski||2007: 3,392||2013: 3,779 Burlington||2007: 21,671||2013: 23,647 South Burlington||2007: 9,613||2013: 10,082 Shelburne||2007: 3,716||2013: 3,853 Charlotte||2007: 2,025||2013: 2,045 St. George||2007: 396||2013: 387 Hinesburg||2007: 2,685||2013: 2,576 Huntington||2007: 1,163||2013: 1,164 Duxbury||2007: 782||2013: 790 Moretown||2007: 1,055||2013: 997 Berlin||2007: 1,485||2013: 1,487 Barre City||2007: 4,394||2013: 4,351 Barre Town||2007: 4,396||2013: 4,291 Orange||2007: 507||2013: 555 Topsham||2007: 562||2013: 549 Newbury||2007: 1,048||2013: 1,019 Bradford||2007: 1,294||2013: 1,280 Corinth||2007: 675||2013: 601 Washington||2007: 645||2013: 595 Williamstown||2007: 1,765||2013: 1,825 Northfield||2007: 2,968||2013: 3,140 Waitsfield||2007: 1,092||2013: 1,099 Fayston||2007: 820||2013: 875 Buel's Gore||no data Starksboro||2007: 1,066||2013: 975 Monkton||2007: 1,164||2013: 1,178 Ferrisburgh||2007: 1,573||2013: 1,601 Fairlee||2007: 673||2013: 632 West Fairlee||2007: 437||2013: 383 Vershire||2007: 340||2013: 377 Chelsea||2007: 636||2013: 583 Brookfield||2007: 721||2013: 683 Roxbury||2007: 291||2013: 331 Warren||2007: 1,097||2013: 1,056 Lincoln||2007: 786||2013: 743 Bristol||2007: 2,198||2013: 2,144 Ripton||2007: 375||2013: 352 Thetford||2007: 1,797||2013: 1,623 Strafford||2007: 660||2013: 648 Tunbridge||2007: 734||2013: 660 Randolph||2007: 2,773||2013: 2,385 Braintree||2007: 682||2013: 622 Granville||2007: 189||2013: 178 Hancock||2007: 165||2013: 133 Rochester||2007: 643||2013: 581 Bethel||2007: 1,022||2013: 970 Royalton||2007: 1,397||2013: 1,517 Sharon||2007: 841||2013: 903 Norwich||2007: 1,981||2013: 1,849 Hartford||2007: 6,281||2013: 5,575 Pomfret||2007: 595||2013: 536 Barnard||2007: 595||2013: 551 Stockbridge||2007: 392||2013: 382 Pittsfield||2007: 253||2013: 299 Hartland||2007: 1,912||2013: 2,043 Woodstock||2007: 1,944||2013: 1,768 Bridgewater||2007: 575||2013: 549 Killington||2007: 771||2013: 536 Mendon||2007: 674||2013: 646 Windsor||2007: 1,843||2013: 1,712 West Windsor||2007: 621||2013: 580 Reading||2007: 448||2013: 393 Plymouth||2007: 285||2013: 287 Shrewsbury||2007: 646||2013: 589 Clarendon||2007: 1,769||2013: 1,534 Ira||2007: 242||2013: 227 Weathersfield||2007: 1,485||2013: 1,378 Baltimore||2007: 176||2013: 157 Cavendish||2007: 696||2013: 640 Ludlow||2007: 1,397||2013: 961 Mount Holly||2007: 690||2013: 652 Wallingford||2007: 1,324||2013: 1,155 Middletown Springs||2007: 467||2013: 422 Wells||2007: 514||2013: 507 Springfield||2007: 4,371||2013: 4,395 Chester||2007: 1,611||2013: 1,554 Andover||2007: 304||2013: 246 Weston||2007: 343||2013: 289 Mount Tabor||2007: 107||2013: 130 Danby||2007: 699||2013: 675 Pawlet||2007: 752||2013: 730 Rockingham||2007: 2,538||2013: 2,540 Grafton||2007: 319||2013: 335 Windham||2007: 194||2013: 226 Londonderry||2007: 1,022||2013: 960 Landgrove||2007: 49||2013: 54 Peru||2007: 271||2013: 223 Dorset||2007: 1,074||2013: 973 Rupert||2007: 358||2013: 340 Westminster||2007: 1,805||2013: 1,698 Athens||2007: 194||2013: 251 Brookline||2007: 251||2013: 285 Townshend||2007: 566||2013: 609 Jamaica||2007: 527||2013: 575 Winhall||2007: 477||2013: 443 Manchester||2007: 2,387||2013: 2,293 Sandgate||2007: 195||2013: 212 Arlington||2007: 1,354||2013: 1,216 Sunderland||2007: 473||2013: 481 Stratton||2007: 104||2013: 126 Shaftsbury||2007: 2,133||2013: 1,909 Glastenbury||2007: 9||2013: 4 Somerset||no data Bennington||2007: 7,944||2013: 7,583 Woodford||2007: 216||2013: 216 Searsburg||2007: 51||2013: 56 Wilmington||2007: 1,367||2013: 1,038 Marlboro||2007: 586||2013: 618 Brattleboro||2007: 6,074||2013: 5,991 Pownal||2007: 1,929||2013: 1,813 Stamford||2007: 426||2013: 421 Readsboro||2007: 406||2013: 382 Whitingham||2007: 672||2013: 721 Halifax||2007: 434||2013: 371 Guilford||2007: 1,113||2013: 1,153 Vernon||2007: 1,144||2013: 1,177 Wardsboro||2007: 495||2013: 471 Dover||2007: 869||2013: 649 Newfane||2007: 959||2013: 912 Putney||2007: 1,440||2013: 1,439 Dummerston||2007: 1,145||2013: 1,047 Vergennes||2007: 1,390||2013: 1,325 Panton||2007: 396||2013: 366 Addison||2007: 835||2013: 751 Bridport||2007: 733||2013: 677 Shoreham||2007: 785||2013: 730 Orwell||2007: 690||2013: 667 Benson||2007: 564||2013: 549 West Haven||2007: 184||2013: 155 Fair Haven||2007: 1,510||2013: 1,371 Tinmouth||2007: 333||2013: 324 Poultney||2007: 1,720||2013: 1,558 Castleton||2007: 2,303||2013: 2,425 Hubbardton||2007: 400||2013: 354 Sudbury||2007: 333||2013: 300 Whiting||2007: 228||2013: 223 Cornwall||2007: 750||2013: 682 Weybridge||2007: 461||2013: 436 West Rutland||2007: 1,367||2013: 1,221 Proctor||2007: 987||2013: 912 Rutland City||2007: 8,585||2013: 8,164 Rutland||2007: 2,347||2013: 2,287 Brandon||2007: 2,082||2013: 1,992 Pittsford||2007: 1,939||2013: 1,756 Chittenden||2007: 756||2013: 732 Leicester||2007: 586||2013: 610 Salisbury||2007: 662||2013: 642 Middlebury||2007: 4,268||2013: 4,186 New Haven||2007: 1,129||2013: 1,028 Waltham||2007: 294||2013: 275 Goshen||2007: 111||2013: 78

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