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Where do you see cracks?

June 23, 2010  |  Sarah Lyons  |  2 comments
Insight |State Budget & Tax

Cracks in the Public Structures

Vermont is a great place to live and work and an attractive place to do business because of the investments we’ve made over the years in our public structures like parks, courts, schools, and environmental protections.

With state budget cuts and state employee layoffs for the past several years, we are starting to see cracks in those public structures. In the Cracks in the Public Structures series published in our bi-monthly newsletter, we’ve looked closely at several areas of state government where the signs of deterioration are showing.

We are interested in knowing the places where you see cracks. Have you or someone you know noticed a reduction in services, or change in Vermont’s quality of life as a result of state budget cuts?

Email with your thoughts.


  1. RALPH W HOWE says:

    There are no jobs that pay a meagerly livable wage for those with low skills. Agriculture is collapsing as we face the coming food crisis that will accompany the post oil economy. Mental Health and Addiction services need to be massively beefed up and prison budgets slashed to move people to places they can recover. There is little housing for low income working people, let alone those who are not working.—-for a few cracks..

  2. Nicole LeBlanc says:

    VT DCF economic services has gone to an automatic system answERring services.

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