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Family Median Adjusted Gross Income

December 22, 2010  |  Sarah Lyons  |  no comments yet
Map |Income

Vermont has long had a progressive income tax. On the principle that those who benefit most from society should pay more to support it and also that those with greater means can afford to pay more, Vermont taxes higher levels of income at progressively higher rates.

The U.S. Census estimates incomes by surveying small samples of the population periodically and extrapolating figures for the nation, states, and towns. One benefit of the Census figures is that they can be compared across states. The Census estimates income per person, per household and per family.

The Vermont Tax Department also reports income by town from the data it collects on annual income tax returns. The department calculates median income from all the returns filed from a town. It also calculates a median family income for each town based just on the returns filed by married couples, civil union couples, and single parents with children. Family income does not include the returns filed by single taxpayers with no dependents. Median income is the middle value when the returns are arranged from lowest to highest.

The map shows the Vermont Tax Department’s calculation of median family income for each town for 2008. These figures and other income statistics can be found here at the department’s website.

Alburgh - $42,261 Highgate - $50,285 Franklin - $51,778 Berkshire - $49,174 Richford - $38,081 Jay - $45,890 Troy - $40,387 Newport Town - $40,456 Derby - $47,458 Holland - $37,816 Norton - $30,923 Canaan - $41,225 Swanton - $54,019 Isle La Motte - $54,900 Lemington - $44,023 Bloomfield - $43,895 Brunswick - $27,147 Maidstone - $38,281 Granby - $36,819 East Haven - $34,689 Enosburg - $44,426 Sheldon - $51,844 Fairfield - $60,291 St Albans City - $48,103 North Hero - $65,664 Bakersfield - $57,700 Montgomery - $44,071 Westfield - $45,589 Lowell - $38,216 Albany - $35,960 Irasburg - $41,187 Barton - $39,740 Glover - $39,688 Sheffield - $40,242 Greensboro - $37,376 Wheelock - $46,147 Stannard - $39,172 Walden - $33,596 Hardwick - $34,798 Wolcott - $44,320 Craftsbury - $46,125 Eden - $41,842 Hyde Park - $49,405 Belvidere - $52,348 Johnson - $41,174 Averill - no data Ferdinand - no data Lewis - no data Averys Gore, Warners Grant and Warren Gore - no data Brighton - $32,660 Newark - $40,061 Westmore - $51,010 Morgan - $42,840 Charleston - $38,620 Brownington - $37,477 Coventry - $49,022 Newport City - $39,579 Sutton - $42,395 Burke - $47,524 Victory - $9,155 Lunenburg - $38,476 Guildhall - $46,920 Concord - $40,300 Waterford - $60,800 St Johnsbury - $44,216 Lyndon - $43,134 Kirby - $57,352 Barnet - $51,615 Peacham - $58,794 Cabot - $41,552 Elmore - $72,043 Morristown - $67,789 Stowe - $78,598 Worcester - $53,638 Calais - $62,492 Marshfield - $49,388 Groton - $44,281 Ryegate - $47,255 Woodbury - $55,799 Danville - $54,304 St Albans Town - $60,372 Grand Isle - $66,401 South Hero - $76,139 Georgia - $68,457 Milton - $65,402 Colchester - $71,898 Fairfax - $69,496 Westford - $79,888 Essex - $87,793 Fletcher - $67,842 Waterville - $49,047 Cambridge - $58,205 Underhill - $87,024 Plainfield - $52,256 East Montpelier - $65,371 Montpelier - $67,361 Middlesex - $71,673 Waterbury - $71,678 Bolton - $68,751 Richmond - $78,842 Jericho - $84,995 Williston - $87,667 Winooski - $42,489 Burlington - $59,784 South Burlington - $78,721 Shelburne - $98,194 Charlotte - $103,376 St George - $60,770 Hinesburg - $74,789 Huntington - $69,576 Duxbury - $72,075 Moretown - $67,789 Berlin - $59,377 Barre City - $43,513 Barre Town - $64,980 Orange - $53,380 Topsham - $43,859 Newbury - $50,968 Bradford - $50,201 Corinth - $43,672 Washington - $48,402 Williamstown - $51,539 Northfield - $59,097 Waitsfield - $71,464 Fayston - $70,932 Buels Gore - no data Starksboro - $56,260 Monkton - $74,407 Ferrisburg - $65,628 Fairlee - $58,327 West Fairlee - $50,955 Vershire - $44,260 Chelsea - $48,852 Brookfield - $58,357 Roxbury - $50,497 Warren - $66,987 Lincoln - $58,971 Bristol - $55,140 Ripton - $56,093 Thetford - $69,732 Strafford - $62,779 Tunbridge - $50,866 Randolph - $54,172 Braintree - $47,531 Granville - $40,487 Hancock - $40,047 Rochester - $52,140 Bethel - $51,119 Royalton - $51,105 Sharon - $59,886 Norwich - $115,304 Hartford - $63,313 Pomfret - $72,738 Barnard - $58,304 Stockbridge - $55,545 Pittsfield - $51,168 Hartland - $62,027 Woodstock - $66,182 Bridgewater - $50,361 Killington - $58,566 Mendon - $74,684 Windsor - $49,353 West Windsor - $72,034 Reading - $55,660 Plymouth - $52,891 Shrewsbury - $63,027 Clarendon - $54,690 Ira - $61,372 Weathersfield - $53,517 Baltimore - $59,685 Cavendish - $48,932 Ludlow - $54,258 Mount Holly - $50,162 Wallingford - $59,163 Middletown Springs - $52,702 Wells - $44,709 Springfield - $48,435 Chester - $47,899 Andover - $57,089 Weston - $60,632 Mount Tabor - $39,863 Danby - $47,928 Pawlet - $46,152 Rockingham - $44,897 Grafton - $50,824 Windham - $39,953 Londonderry - $51,161 Landgrove - $66,934 Peru - $70,744 Dorset - $67,873 Rupert - $41,758 Westminster - $56,254 Athens - $45,872 Brookline - $46,451 Townshend - $45,346 Jamaica - $43,415 Winhall - $67,397 Manchester - $64,748 Sandgate - $55,989 Arlington - $52,195 Sunderland - $55,235 Stratton - $77,319 Shaftsbury - $59,709 Glastenbury - no data Somerset - no data Bennington - $44,535 Woodford - $50,096 Searsburg - $58,783 Wilmington - $45,326 Marlboro - $55,467 Brattleboro - $47,919 Pownal - $47,583 Stamford - $59,737 Readsboro - $44,471 Whitingham - $51,868 Halifax - $46,113 Guilford - $63,684 Vernon - $66,993 Wardsboro - $40,890 Dover - $49,124 Newfane - $56,244 Putney - $56,520 Dummerston - $65,020 Vergennes - $52,869 Panton - $58,706 Addison - $53,827 Bridport - $51,801 Shoreham - $56,730 Orwell - $47,364 Benson - $49,430 West Haven - $52,050 Fair Haven - $45,038 Tinmouth - $46,209 Poultney - $49,537 Castleton - $54,186 Hubbardton - $51,596 Sudbury - $54,750 Whiting - $46,594 Cornwall - $77,330 Weybridge - $76,262 West Rutland - $51,319 Proctor - $55,713 Rutland City - $49,434 Rutland - $72,398 Brandon - $50,553 Pittsford - $60,420 Chittenden - $59,876 Leicester - $54,883 Salisbury - $63,446 Middlebury - $62,160 New Haven - $60,800 Waltham - $70,561 Goshen - $76,879

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