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Federal Stimulus Money at Work

April 21, 2011  |  Sarah Lyons  |  no comments yet
Map |State Budget & Tax

Vermont has been awarded $991 million in contracts, grants, and loans since February 2009 through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), commonly known as federal stimulus funding. According to the latest information from, the official website for tracking ARRA funds, nearly sixty percent of the Vermont awards had been paid out by the end of 2010.

The town2town map shows where the money went in Vermont, as reported by award recipients. The totals for each town are based on the “primary place of performance” for the work reported. In some cases, the money was awarded for a project, such as road reconstruction, within the town’s borders. In other cases, it went directly to the municipality or school district. Funding to organizations that serve several communities may be assigned to only the recipient’s town (money listed for Montpelier or Waterbury, for example, includes ARRA funding awarded to state agencies). Statewide projects and projects identified by the recipients as multi-town are not included in the town amounts on the map; they appear in the accompanying table.

Alburgh - $674,352 Addison  - $0 Albany  - $0 Andover  - $0 Arlington - $386,698 Athens  - $0 Averill  - $0 Averys Gore, Warners Grant and Warren Gore  - $0 Bakersfield  - $0 Baltimore  - $0 Barnard  - $0 Barnet  - $0 Barre City - $32,521,986 Barre Town  - $0 Barton - $9,938,643 Belvidere - $61,718 Bennington - $6,772,083 Benson - $577,093 Berkshire - $1,918,019 Berlin - $593,479 Bethel - $1,683,548 Bloomfield  - $0 Bolton  - $0 Bradford - $6,482,578 Braintree - $378,006 Brandon - $14,141,277 Brattleboro - $8,491,570 Bridgewater  - $0 Bridport - $45,675 Brighton - $5,929,476 Bristol - $3,257,290 Brookfield  - $0 Brookline  - $0 Brownington - $1,056,305 Brunswick  - $0 Buels Gore  - $0 Burke - $10,913 Burlington - $95,139,314 Cabot  - $0 Calais  - $0 Cambridge - $40,000 Canaan - $2,206,451 Castleton - $1,948,085 Cavendish  - $0 Charleston - $158,051 Charlotte - $153,916 Chelsea - $6,708,303 Chester - $1,774,564 Chittenden - $907,894 Clarendon - $1,218,670 Colchester - $44,308,072 Concord - $1,030,057 Corinth - $570,900 Cornwall - $50,000 Coventry  - $0 Craftsbury - $45,000 Danby - $1,019,579 Danville - $1,939,034 Derby  - $0 Dorset  - $0 Dover - $330,560 Dummerston - $107,920 Duxbury  - $0 East Haven - $10,000 East Montpelier - $6,336,531 Eden - $79,237 Elmore  - $0 Enosburg - $558,725 Essex - $5,473,866 Fair Haven - $6,979,588 Fairfax - $3,305,531 Fairfield  - $0 Fairlee - $405,042 Fayston - $75,998 Ferdinand  - $0 Ferrisburg - $340,675 Fletcher  - $0 Franklin - $10,171 Georgia - $350,000 Glastenbury  - $0 Glover  - $0 Goshen - $148,600 Grafton  - $0 Granby  - $0 Grand Isle  - $0 Granville - $88,130 Greensboro  - $0 Groton  - $0 Guildhall  - $0 Guilford - $1,786,777 Halifax  - $0 Hancock - $1,576,228 Hardwick - $3,095,346 Hartford - $78,064,041 Hartland - $3,761,734 Highgate - $124,406 Hinesburg - $1,806,339 Holland  - $0 Hubbardton  - $0 Huntington - $50,000 Hyde Park - $2,922,771 Ira  - $0 Irasburg - $775,916 Isle La Motte  - $0 Jamaica  - $0 Jay  - $0 Jericho - $2,497,040 Johnson - $11,526,584 Killington - $7,615,698 Kirby  - $0 Landgrove  - $0 Leicester  - $0 Lemington  - $0 Lewis  - $0 Lincoln - $311,173 Londonderry - $345,000 Lowell - $21,600 Ludlow - $4,495,401 Lunenburg  - $0 Lyndon - $2,944,789 Maidstone  - $0 Manchester - $538,029 Marlboro - $218,258 Marshfield  - $0 Mendon - $43,678 Middlebury - $8,029,075 Middlesex - $158,071 Middletown Springs - $206,400 Milton - $3,251,466 Monkton - $50,000 Montgomery  - $0 Montpelier - $144,723,808 Moretown - $308,296 Morgan  - $0 Morristown - $6,065,411 Mount Holly  - $0 Mount Tabor  - $0 New Haven - $46,553 Newark  - $0 Newbury - $521,543 Newfane - $392,457 Newport City - $8,178,135 Newport Town  - $0 North Hero - $1,191,718 Northfield - $2,401,065 Norton  - $0 Norwich - $2,896,164 Orange  - $0 Orwell  - $0 Panton  - $0 Pawlet - $50,000 Peacham - $22,422 Peru - $80,000 Pittsfield - $680,932 Pittsford - $4,834,197 Plainfield - $1,310,900 Plymouth  - $0 Pomfret  - $0 Poultney - $997,751 Pownal  - $0 Proctor - $62,929 Putney - $167,000 Randolph - $2,827,133 Reading  - $0 Readsboro  - $0 Richford - $4,946,201 Richmond - $4,593,329 Ripton - $4,717,789 Rochester - $1,782,429 Rockingham - $7,952,428 Roxbury  - $0 Royalton - $10,039,718 Rupert  - $0 Rutland City - $22,951,636 Rutland Town - $326,788 Ryegate - $99,606 Salisbury - $100,708 Sandgate  - $0 Searsburg  - $0 Shaftsbury - $425,545 Sharon - $164,188 Sheffield - $17,010 Shelburne - $6,723,562 Sheldon - $2,528,939 Shoreham - $69,975 Shrewsbury - $50,000 Somerset  - $0 South Burlington - $13,546,200 South Hero - $46,925 Springfield - $143,019,701 St Albans City - $7,585,095 St Albans Town  - $0 St George - $171,685 St Johnsbury - $33,489,643 Stamford  - $0 Stannard  - $0 Starksboro - $62,502 Stockbridge  - $0 Stowe - $194,133 Strafford - $13,394,084 Stratton - $296,160 Sudbury  - $0 Sunderland - $1,733,600 Sutton - $52,000 Swanton - $3,327,857 Thetford - $3,808,587 Tinmouth - $197,894 Topsham - $479,703 Townshend - $1,858,101 Troy - $7,376,805 Tunbridge  - $0 Underhill - $209,460 Vergennes - $2,246,480 Vernon  - $0 Vershire  - $0 Victory  - $0 Waitsfield - $7,428,659 Walden  - $0 Wallingford - $36,138 Waltham  - $0 Wardsboro - $559,634 Warren - $6,207,585 Washington - $50,000 Waterbury - $33,458,437 Waterford - $2,286,211 Waterville - $62,387 Weathersfield - $1,406,308 Wells  - $0 West Fairlee  - $0 West Haven  - $0 West Rutland - $11,775,511 West Windsor  - $0 Westfield  - $0 Westford - $12,200 Westminster - $4,303,022 Westmore  - $0 Weston - $276,165 Weybridge - $516,528 Wheelock  - $0 Whiting - $531,685 Whitingham - $90,510 Williamstown - $845,278 Williston - $184,118 Wilmington - $1,861,132 Windham  - $0 Windsor - $7,760,051 Winhall - $39,990 Winooski - $5,500,272 Wolcott  - $0 Woodbury - $29,000 Woodford  - $0 Woodstock - $905,679 Worcester  - $0

Data source:

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