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21 indicators tell the story of Vermont’s economy

December 26, 2018  |  Sarah Lyons  |  no comments yet
Announcements & Updates |Economic Security, Jobs, Workers, Wages, Migration & Demographics, Poverty & Inequity, State Budget & Tax

Public Assets’ new report, State of Working Vermont 2018, reveals how Vermonters and their families were faring economically at the end of 2017—the latest year for which most data are available—and how conditions have changed, for better or worse, in recent years.

Spoiler alert: The economy is improving, but not for most Vermonters.

The report is published in a readable chart-book format with brief explanatory text for each of 21 specific indicators designed to answer three questions:

  1. Did the overall Vermont economy grow, and who benefited?
  2. Were Vermonters able to make ends meet?
  3. How was the job market for Vermonters, and who was working?

Flip through the chartbook here.

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